Sunday, February 7, 2010

Daily News Digests

Starting from February 8, 2010, I will be posting daily news digests on the blog. These digests will focus primarily on issues affecting the People's Republic of China, Japan and South Korea but you can also expect to see articles about Taiwan, Hong Kong, North Korea, Tibet and Mongolia.*

Due to the apolitical nature of this blog, articles on political issues will be kept to a bare minimum and the focus will instead be on social and cultural issues. There are plenty of blogs out there which deal with political issues, such as Danwei, China Translated and Letters from Taiwan, so if you're looking for information regarding the latest political news in East Asia, you'd be better off reading those.

The format of these digests will be similar to that seen in my weekly archaeology news digests. Short summaries will be provided alongside links to the full articles and the original sources will be credited where possible.

* Please note that I will not always be able to post a news digest every day. These news digests will be subject to my work and family commitments but every effort will be made to keep readers up to date on what's happening in this vibrant region.


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